We have now been traveling for 110 days.  Feels like 10 days at times, and 200 days at other times.  What is for sure is the fact that we have hit our stride and we our a well oiled machine when it comes to traveling.  We our on our 10th day straight of camping spread over 400km and 6 different locations.  30 days ago the thought of camping 10 days straight in 6 different locations seemed impossible.  Now its just what we do. We have been using a website called Overlander that has been our golden ticket to finding amazing camping locations in the most remote areas.  I recommend everyone check it out its world wide.  

In regards to camping it has become very clear why camping has been so important to our travels and such a joy even though it requires a lot of work setting up breaking down.  It's because the kids wouldn't have it any other way.  Why you ask?? It's all about making new friends and running free.  It is really cool to see how fast tabor can make a new friend.  Faster then I can set up the tent.  At this point I can set up the tent solo in 10 minutes.  Keep in mind 80% of the friends she has made only speak Spanish.  Thus she has learned a lot of Spanish all based on wanting to make friends.  If you know Tabor you know she is very forward in every aspect of her life.  No holding back for her. She won't let anything get in her way of what she wants.  For us parents it makes us crazy at times and very tired trying keep up with her and have her follow the most basic instructions.  For the kids she has meet in South America they are often a little freaked out by it all.  At our last camping spot Tabors new friends she made only stayed the day we arrived had.  As we wave good by and I think oh man what will tabor do now that her friends just left??  Just then I see a girl her age walking across the field with her mom.  Like a cheeta stalking it's pray I see tabor jump into attack mode.  I just sat back and hoped the kid could handle the full assult of tabor and her desire to make a friend.  At first the kid literally jumped behind a tree looking for coverage from the advancing tabor.  I think even the mom stopped in her tracks concerned for her childs welfare.  Tabor slowed her approach and was face to face with her new friend.  I am not sure what she said as I was too far away.  After a brief interaction Tabor was off playing with her new friend.  The friend also had an older brother that nash loved to play with and a cousin to round the group of friends.  What also needs to be mentioned is that Tabor having friends means mom and dad get a break from entertaining the kids.  So it's always a welcomed sight to see Tabor make a new friend.  After Tabor spent 5 straight hours playing with her new friends it was time for us parents to track down the parents of tabors pray/friend and at least let them know Tabor has parents.  It is often the case we get to meet really great people thanks to Tabor.  At Lago Verde the parents Felipie and  were beyond nice and welcomed us into their camp and we shared mate and great conversation.  Felipe spoke very good English which  was great for me a guy who is unable to converse in Spanish.  Not to mention we shared a lot in common having similar kids and interest.  We hit it off so good that they are going to travel south and join us for more camping at our new place here outside of Trevelin.  We are forever grateful to have the opportunity to travel as a family and have kids that are outgoing and adventurous.  I know deep down the kids miss their friends back home none the less they are doing a great job rolling with the traveler life style and being ok with constant change.